Without language there is no science. To be practicing scientists and derive new knowledge, we need language – reading, writing, talking, listening, enacting, and visualizing. Writing is one way to communicate understanding of our learning while allowing us to be creative in our delivery and provide insight and possible solutions to problems.
Research the founding of Green Peace or Save the Bay. How was government related to the environment different at its inception versus today? Then, explain the process you would plan to protect a wooded area, wildlife, or natural green space.
Go to Yale University’s The Forum on Religion and Ecology. Choose 3-4 religions to briefly research in more depth specific to their beliefs and statements regarding climate change. Create an infographic, a graphic, or art that summarizes what you learned.
Do a Google search using key words, such as “lack of water” or “running out of water”. Find several pieces of evidence that support water scarcity is a global issue.