Engage MS-3

Ask each student to create a T-Chart in their science notebook, labeling one column Map 1 and the other column Map 2. Students will analyze the map for their similarities and differences and noting them in their T-Chart. Next, have students work with another pair to discuss their analysis of the maps. Did they come up with the same information? Any differences between groups?
Engage MS-2

Have students watch the beginning of the Black Forest Fire <a href="http://photos.denverpost.com/2013/06/12/video-black-forest-fires-first-911-caller/">as reported by the citizen who called 911</a> and then answer questions about what they have seen in their Science Notebooks .
Engage MS-1

Ask students about forensics shows on TV. What are some facts the investigators might collect? What are some opinions the investigators might run in to? What kinds of evidence are used to prove a case? What kinds of evidence are the most credible? How are credible sources determined?