Without language there is no science. To be practicing scientists and derive new knowledge, we need language – reading, writing, talking, listening, enacting, and visualizing. Writing is one way to communicate understanding of our learning while allowing us to be creative in our delivery and provide insight and possible solutions to problems.
Writing from the perspective of a Hot Shot, write 5 journal entries that take place over the course of a week depicting the experiences encountered while fighting a wildfire in California.
Start a writing letter campaign to your local and state government officials about the need to address climate change in your state as a way to combat extended, harsher fire seasons. It won’t be long till your vote counts!
Need to know who and where to write? Visit the Government Agencies and Elected Officials page on USA.gov.
Write a script for a commercial that will let consumers understand the problems created by palm oil harvesting and show them what they can do to help solve the problem.
Resources to help you with details and facts can be found at the sites below.