Have students take the Pre-Quiz below. This will allow you to see the knowledge your students have prior to watching episode 1.
Before beginning determine where your students stand on their understanding of Fact v. Opinion. If they are well versed then proceed with the Engage. If you feel your students need a refresher please follow these instructions before starting at the Engage.
Prerequisite Knowledge: Discerning Fact from Opinion
- Have students decide whether the statements are fact or opinion on the Fact/Opinion Sorter handout.
- Have a discussion around the Fact and Opinion PowerPoint.
- Now have the students look at their Fact/Opinion Sorter handout Are there changes they want to make? Ask them to explain the why behind each change they made.
- Now proceed to Engage.
Pre Quiz
Use this quiz before you start to assess students’ knowledge of the topic. The quiz will be repeated later in the lesson to evaluate what they have learned from the activities.