Watch episode 3. If you are unable to view episode 3 in its entirety then students will need to watch the following segments to support their learning experience. As students watch each segment have them stop and answer each of the questions below in their science notebook. At the conclusion of all segments, encourage students to add to or modify their thinking.
- Minute 3:03 to 5:00
- How does El Nino, a weather event, impact climate around the world?
- Explain how the waters during an El Nino event contribute to sea level rise.
- Minute 15:45 to 17:00
- Explain the evidence corals provide Dr. Kim Cobb?
- Minute 23:07 to 23:54
- Superstorm Sandy occurred during a weak La Niña event (2011-2012) on the heels of a strong La Niña event in 2010-2011 and sandwiched between a moderate El Niño event in 2009-2010. Explain how climate change and these El Niño/La Niña weather events affected Superstorm Sandy.
- Minute 44:49 to 46:44
- What conclusions is Dr. Cobb starting to draw from the corals about the human impact on El Niño’s?
- In two generations, Dr. Cobb expects another meter of sea level rise around Christmas Island. How will this impact her research?